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FC10-P234G-210-02-60 Fortinet FortiCare Priority RMA - 5 Year - Service


Your Price: $1,054.04

Availability:In Stock

Mfg. Part:: FC10-P234G-210-02-60

Overview Technical Specifications Why Choose Us to Buy

The FortiCare Priority RMA Service is designed to meet your availability and hardware replacement needs, whether next-calendar-day or four-hour delivery. In addition to shipping hardware to your location, Fortinet can also send an engineer to your site to replace the defective hardware. With the FortiCare Priority RMA Service, you can enjoy a seamless, stress-free experience that minimizes service disruption

Key Features

  • Product Description

    The FortiCare Priority RMA Service is designed to meet your availability and hardware replacement needs, whether next-calendar-day or four-hour delivery. In addition to shipping hardware to your location, Fortinet can also send an engineer to your site to replace the defective hardware. With the FortiCare Priority RMA Service, you can enjoy a seamless, stress-free experience that minimizes service disruption

  • Service Main Type: Technical
  • Provided Support: Return Merchandise Agreement (RMA)
  • Service Response Time: Next Calendar Day - Return Material Authorization
  • Service Duration: 5 Year
  • Product Supported: Fortinet FortiAP-234G (Requires FortiCare Premium or FortiCare Elite)

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